On February 27, 2010 Chile had the fourth most strongest earthquake in history with a magnitude of 8.8 which lasted 90 seconds. The earthquake hap pend 70 miles into the sea and affected Chile completely with the earthquake Chile also had tsunamis that devastated people's homes by also killing hundreds of people. The former president Michelle Bachelet had a couple of days left for her presidency to finish and Mr. Pinero to take over the presidency. President Obama offered his help and Hillary Clinton also went To Chile to see what we could help on.
Here are some videos that inform what happened with the earthquake

During the years Chile has not obtained support until 192 when 26 million dollars were given to artistic projects that would benefit art and culture. the poem La Araucana made by Alonso de Ercilla was considered the best literature of Chile which expressed admiration to the Araucanian Indians. In 1945 Lucila Godoy Alcayaga won the Nobel price of literature and on 1971 Pablo Neruda also won the award. paintings are also something that the people of Chile are also proud of and could be seen in the Museum of Fine Arts and the Museum of Contemporary Art. in the 19Th century the paintings of Pedro Lira were about the rustic outsides.
In Chile the most famous artist right now is Americo and I put a video so you guys can see it

During the 1970s Chile was the best performing economy in the South America. During the 80s and 90s Chile saw a constant growth in their economy with a rate of 6.4%.In 1999 Chile saw its first downfall in more than 15 years because hydroelectric shortfalls, reduction of crop, and electricity rationing. Chile has 57 agreements with many countries including the US which we have free trade with established in January 4, 2004. Chile's wealth sovereign wealth is kept outside Chile and separated to the Central Bank. 4 billion dollars were used in Chile from their wealth as a stimulus package in 2008. Chile grows grapes, pears, apples, wheat, corn, onions, peaches, and asparagus. The industries the are in Chile focus on copper, iron, fish , steel, wood, textile, and minerals. Chile exports fish, fruits, wine and copper to other countries. Imports natural gas, petroleum, vehicles, and machinery to their country.
Daily Life

Most Chileans eat four times a day breakfast consist of bread and coffee the main meal in Chile is at 1 or 2 pm which is made up of two dishes one includes meat and the other dish is a salad that could be ensalada chilena, including sliced onions, chopped and peeled tomatoes, an oil and vinegar dressing, and fresh cilantro (coriander). At 5pm they eat bread with jam and something to drink like tead and at 9pm they have their dinner. Their food consist in European and indigenous flavors. The indigenous people in the Andes make
humitas, which contains a paste of white corn, fried onions, and basil, wrapped in corn husks and cooked in boiling water.
The ratio of Religion
Roman Catholic 70%, Evangelical 15.1%, Jehovah's Witness 1.1%, other Christian 1%, other 4.6%, none 8.3%
Roman Catholic 70%, Evangelical 15.1%, Jehovah's Witness 1.1%, other Christian 1%, other 4.6%, none 8.3%
Facts about Chile

Chile has a population of 15,017,800 people, most of the people live in urban areas. most of the people in Chile have European descent. Chile has Palastanian community in their country as well as indigenous people which is the largest Native American population. The main language in Chile is Spanish and the indigenous people speak Aymara and Mapudungu. September 18 is a national holiday in Chile because it is their independence from Spain. For their independence chile celebrates by listening to folkrore music and traditional food. Chilians visit Fondas which is traditional palm, drink wine, eat empanadas, and dance cueca.Chile's native person would be huaso who is a cowboy with a hat, a poncho and boots.
History of Chile
Before the 16th Century when the spaniards arrived to Chile the northen side of Chile was ruled by the Incas and the central and southern part by indigenous people Mapuche. Chile declared their independence in 1810 but it was not until 1818 when they took control and not the spaniards. Chile had warrs with Peru and Bolivia in order to get what it is known the norther part of Chile now. In 1973 the president Salvador Allende was overthrown by the military coup Augusto Pinochet. In was not only until the 1990's that Pinochet left the residency but during the 80's Chile had a steady growth and reduction of poverty. In 1993 Christian Democrat Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle was elected president and sentenced pinochet to seven years in jail and secret police six years. In 2005 Michelle Bachelet became the first president to be female in Chile. her father was one of the men that Pinochet killed when he was a dictator. In 2010 Sebastian Pinera became president of Chile.
Why chile is so popular for their wine?

Chile’s climate is highly controled by the fresh effect of the Pacific Ocean and the Humboldt Current that start in the icy waters near Antarctica and flows up the western coast of South America. when the effect of the Humboldt’s very cold current hits Chile’s northern coastline it makes clouds and fog, which then contributes to making the Atacama Desert the driest on Earth!
Soils are healthy, and have a variety of origins (alluvial, colluvial, fluvial, etc.) and textures (loam, clay, sand, silt).
Despite the relatively dry atmospheric conditions, plentiful water for irrigation runs from the ice caps of the Andes Mountains that surpass all along Chile’s eastern border.
In recent years, more vineyards crawl closer and higher to the peaks. Currents of wind climb and descend over the course of the day to create a daily pendulum of temperatures that swings broadly between daytime highs and night time lows. This is just what rich red grapes such as Cabernet Sauvignon thrive on.
Chile's Cuisine

Chile's cuisine varies a lot from seafood due to the coastline and high quality in wine.
Typical meals in Chile is mainly made up of lots of meat, mostly beef and chicken, rice and potatoes, fresh fruit and vegitation from the fields of Central Chile. Seafood is not a common daily meal in Chile eventhough Chile has 5.000 km long coast. But you will surely find a fresh seafood in every menu.
The coffee culture in Chile has advance, but many simple restaurants and bars still serve Nescafé.
Food from Chile
Chile's cuisine ranges a lot from seafood due to the coastline and high quality in wine.
Typical meals in Chile consist mainly of lots of meat, especially beef and chicken, rice and potatoes, fresh fruit and vegetables from the fields of Central Chile. Even though seafood could be the common daily meal in Chile with its 5.000 km long coast, it is not. But you will surely find a fresh seafood selection on every menu.
The coffee culture in Chile has improved, but many simple restaurants and bars still serve Nescafé. Look for an espresso machine and then order “café café” or “café espress”.
In the center of Santiago you can find a true Chilean specialty: The Chileans call these dim places “café con piernas” (café with legs). Men in grey suits are served "espresso", "café con leche" or "cortado" by young women in miniskirts, bikinis or in their lingerie. These places are not recommended to women.
General Pinochet
Augusto Pinochet was the president of Chile from 1974 until the 1990s where democracy returned to Chile. Pinochet was a person who many people hated and still Hate because he killed people who were against him without remorse.
Chile Democracy
Hey guys I think that this is a good video the relationship between Chile and the US in 1973
Rodrigo Pascal
Hey eveyone I found this article about Rodrigo Pascal who helps people be informed about AIDS. Rodrigo is creating a model for citizen response to turn the formerly specialized problem of HIV/AIDS into a public health concern in which everyone has a stake. He brings together grassroots groups created by and for people with HIV/AIDS to advocate for health and labor rights and to work in coordination with the public health system to help meet the needs of this population. Rodrigo's initiative is the first response to the AIDS problem in Chile led by the affected people themselves.
Unlike organizations that provide services only to people with AIDS, Rodrigo's organization, Vivo Positivo, is transforming the way the disease is dealt with by changing attitudes and systems within the current legal and health structures of the country. Rodrigo integrates grassroots prevention groups into public health centers to provide better care, and he empowers people with HIV/AIDS to become advocates for themselves. Although his ideas for changing society's response to major health issues have evolved specifically for people living with HIV, they have the potential to address the needs of other groups and ultimately to change the structure of the public health system.
Unlike organizations that provide services only to people with AIDS, Rodrigo's organization, Vivo Positivo, is transforming the way the disease is dealt with by changing attitudes and systems within the current legal and health structures of the country. Rodrigo integrates grassroots prevention groups into public health centers to provide better care, and he empowers people with HIV/AIDS to become advocates for themselves. Although his ideas for changing society's response to major health issues have evolved specifically for people living with HIV, they have the potential to address the needs of other groups and ultimately to change the structure of the public health system.
I found this article that women from Chile participate along with women from other countries to help them stabilize in rural places. These women are not people that may have gone to to universities but the want to make a change and want to learn and better themselves with some help. I put the link where I found the article where I took some fragments that say the main idea of the whole article:
About 1,200 rural women from Chile and other countries attended the Congress in 2007, including women from Haiti,Brazil, India, Peru,Paraguay, Sweden, Uruguay, Argentina.
ANAMURI was founded eleven years ago by 52 women. Some of the members are artisans and producers of vegetables, dairy products, medicinal herbs, fresh fruit and manufactured food products, agricultural labourers, women versed in folklore and poets.
ANAMURI is concerned about the working conditions of seasonal agricultural workers, the financial and health difficulties of self-employed rural women, social security, child labour and the migration of young people from rural areas to the cities.
One of ANAMURI's proposals is for "the rights of rural and indigenous communities, and of women in particular, to water and land, to be guaranteed priority over the economic activities of big companies."
They also found that access to water supplies is increasingly problematic. "This is partly due to water scarcity, but the main reason is that water is in the hands of big companies, especially (mining, sanitation and electrical) transnational corporations," the central document of the Congress stated.
And these women are calling loudly for the government to give them more active participation in the management of natural resources.
About 1,200 rural women from Chile and other countries attended the Congress in 2007, including women from Haiti,Brazil, India, Peru,Paraguay, Sweden, Uruguay, Argentina.
ANAMURI was founded eleven years ago by 52 women. Some of the members are artisans and producers of vegetables, dairy products, medicinal herbs, fresh fruit and manufactured food products, agricultural labourers, women versed in folklore and poets.
ANAMURI is concerned about the working conditions of seasonal agricultural workers, the financial and health difficulties of self-employed rural women, social security, child labour and the migration of young people from rural areas to the cities.
One of ANAMURI's proposals is for "the rights of rural and indigenous communities, and of women in particular, to water and land, to be guaranteed priority over the economic activities of big companies."
They also found that access to water supplies is increasingly problematic. "This is partly due to water scarcity, but the main reason is that water is in the hands of big companies, especially (mining, sanitation and electrical) transnational corporations," the central document of the Congress stated.
And these women are calling loudly for the government to give them more active participation in the management of natural resources.
Ending the Cycle in Chile
In Chile the Ve Global is a non profit organization that concentrates in ending the poverty cycle for children abuse. the volunteers come from around the world to community centers or schools to Santiago. the main goal of Ve Global is to protect the rights of the children. The organization wants to have long term commitments and results from what they teach the children of how to become responsible and have a role in their community. If you would like to volunteer in chile or in any other country that you think you can be an asset just contact
Welcome to Chile

Welcome to Chile.The capital of Chile is Santiago. Chile, or Chilli in the language of the indigenous peoples, means "where the world ends." The country of Chile is located in South America bordering Argentina, Peru, and the Pacific Ocean.On its western border, the Pacific Ocean washes up against Chile's long and rambling coastline, providing for a rich diversity of marine life. The Andes mountain range is the backbone of the country as well as the continent of South America.During this term I will take you on a virtual tour of Chile by showing the culture, the global porblems that the country phases and who Chile is trying to solve them.
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