I found this article that women from Chile participate along with women from other countries to help them stabilize in rural places. These women are not people that may have gone to to universities but the want to make a change and want to learn and better themselves with some help. I put the link where I found the article where I took some fragments that say the main idea of the whole article:
About 1,200 rural women from Chile and other countries attended the Congress in 2007, including women from Haiti,Brazil, India, Peru,Paraguay, Sweden, Uruguay, Argentina.
ANAMURI was founded eleven years ago by 52 women. Some of the members are artisans and producers of vegetables, dairy products, medicinal herbs, fresh fruit and manufactured food products, agricultural labourers, women versed in folklore and poets.
ANAMURI is concerned about the working conditions of seasonal agricultural workers, the financial and health difficulties of self-employed rural women, social security, child labour and the migration of young people from rural areas to the cities.
One of ANAMURI's proposals is for "the rights of rural and indigenous communities, and of women in particular, to water and land, to be guaranteed priority over the economic activities of big companies."
They also found that access to water supplies is increasingly problematic. "This is partly due to water scarcity, but the main reason is that water is in the hands of big companies, especially (mining, sanitation and electrical) transnational corporations," the central document of the Congress stated.
And these women are calling loudly for the government to give them more active participation in the management of natural resources.
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